Aqikbaxi Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Tieklik region (SW Tarim Basin). The Aqikbaxi Fm was named by Fang Xilian in 1980. The typical section is located in Aqikbaxigou in Qipan Township, Yecheng County, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Upper formation of the Sukuluok Gr.
Synonym: (阿齐克巴西组)
Lithology and Thickness
The Aqikbaxi Fm is composed of variegated sandy mudstone and chert, which is subdivided into the lower and upper members. The lower part of the Lower member is composed of green-gray, gray and purple thick-to medium-bedded chert intercalated with minor yellow fine sandstone, siltstone, with stromatolites and banded siderite in chert. Its upper part is composed of greenish gray, purple thick-bedded sandy-argillaceous chert interbedded with pelitic chert, intercalated with mudstone with flat laminations. The lower part of the Upper member is composed of calcareous arkosic sandstone intercalated with lamellar silty mudstone, bearing a layer of conglomerate at its bottom, and the upper part is dominated by variegated sandy mudstone, including purple, green and gray thin-bedded silty mudstone, siliceous mudstone and pelitic siltstone with laminations, and its. The thickness is generally exposed about 180 m and in Aqikbaxi valley is thickened to 476.7 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Aqikbaxi Fm overlies disconformably the underlying Yushas Fm
Upper contact
Underlies unconformably the overlying strata, commonly by the Sinian Yalaguz Fm near the Halastan River and Sukuluok area.
Regional extent
Tieklik region (SW Tarim Basin). The Aqikbaxi Fm is mainly exposed in Halastan River to the Xinjiang-Tibet Road, but in other areas, it was generally denuded.
The chert of the lower part yields stromatolites: Inzeria f., Cryptozoon f., Tungussia f., Gruneria f., Conophyton f., C. sukulokense, Jacutophyton f., Anabaria f., Baicalia f., Gymnosolen f., Jurusania f.
Depositional setting
Additional Information